We are seeking community input from Meridian Public Schools residents regarding facility improvements. Your input is essential in shaping educational programs, facilities, and services that will best serve our community's needs. This brief survey is anonymous, as the results will be tabulated by Perspectives Consulting Group, Inc. an independent marketing research firm https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MeridianPS. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas for a brighter future together. #reachhigher
Join us tomorrow evening for our annual Truck or Treat event at MECHS! Members of the community are welcome to come to the school for our student-led, indoor trick-or-treating event. The event is free for participants, concessions will be available for purchase. #ReachHiger
Congratulations to Matthew Shephard, Meridian Director of Bands, for his GRAMMY top 25 nomination! We are so proud of your hard work! Read more about the GRAMMY Educator Awards here: https://www.grammy.com/news/music-educator-award-semifinalists-announced-2023 #ReachHigher #GRAMMYAwards #GRAMMYTopEducators
The MECHS World History Classes would like to invite you to a Night at the Museum! Explore the history of the Medieval World through ten regional exhibits displaying artifacts that show the growth and interaction of human civilizations throughout the Medieval Period. #ReachHigher
Meridian’s National Honor Society is launching their first service project of the year, Operation Christmas Child, and we’d LOVE YOUR HELP! Operation Christmas Child’s goal is to assemble shoe boxes containing gifts of fun toys, school supplies, and personal care items—and then deliver them to children in need around the world. Each box will have a QR Code which can be used to track where the box is sent. You can help in one of two ways: Volunteer to fill a box OR Donate $10 to help offset shipping costs. Contact amy.boxey@merps.org if you'd like to fill a box. If you'd like to donate to shipping costs, visit: www.merps.org/efunds and look for the Operation Christmas Child link. Boxes and donations are due by November 8th. THANK YOU!!
Seniors & Senior Families, We hope you can make it! If not, the slides will be emailed to families upon completion of the event, and you can reach out to amy.boxey@merps.org with any questions you might have.
October is #NationalPrincipalsMonth and we are celebrating our principals! Thank you to our principals and assistant principals for all of your hard work and dedication to our students and staff. We will be highlighting each of our prinicpals this month, so stay tuned for their individual profiles. Thank a principal today! #ReachHigher #ThankAPrincipal
Meridian Public Schools is hiring! Visit www.merps.org/nowhiring to find our open jobs! Our transportation partner, Auxilio, and food service partner, Chartwells, are also hiring! See the attached flyers below for more information! #ReachHigher #NowHiring
Starting to think about what to do after high school? The newly updated Pathfinder can help you find more options than just college. Get started at Pathfinder.MiTalent.org. #HighSchool #Pathfinder #MiTalent
Final Reminder! Fall conferences are tomorrow evening (Oct. 4) from 4:30-7:30 p.m. by appointment only. Register for an appointment using PTCFast.
All students are preparing for a Learner-Led Conference that they will lead at home with a personal advocate. In addition, we are hosting in-person conferences on October 4, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. by appointment only. Register for a conference using PTCFast.
Northwood University is hosting College Night TONIGHT, September 27th, from 6pm-7:30pm, at the Hach Student Activity Center. Over 30 colleges will be represented from all over the state as well as from some nearby states. Drop in and check it out!
Congratulations to Katie Chinavare for being named the Meridian Early College High School Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen for 2023. Katie was selected by both staff and her Class of 2024 peers because of her dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Katie will be recognized by the Midland County DAR chapter in November. We are very proud of you, Katie!
Happy Homecoming Mustangs! We can't wait to see you all tomorrow! Reminder: parade lineup is at 4pm at Porte Park, with the parade starting promptly at 5pm in downtown Sanford. Make your way from the parade to the football game at 7pm! Go Blue! #ReachHigher
On Friday, September 15th, members of the senior class travelled to Mid Michigan College for Senior Focus Day. Students were able to tour Mid's welding and fabrication labs as well as speak with vendors from companies like Dow Chemical, Saint-Gobain and Merrill Technologies, among many others. Area college were also on hand to talk with students looking toward a collegiate degree. Here is what students had to say about the day:
“It was cool to see the fabrication shops. I didn’t know that colleges had those hands-on trade-type programs.”
“I liked how they had hands-on activities. I also learned that Mid has hunting/fishing [Outdoor Related ] programs.”
“My favorite thing was seeing the welding lab. I was able to do a virtual weld and was rated on how well I perfected the weld.”
Good afternoon Mustang Fans,
The 2023-2024 athletic season is approaching fast with our first home JV/Freshman volleyball game tomorrow night!
We have a few updates at the athletic gate this year. We are now offering the option to pay with a debit or credit card via GoFan. You can purchase tickets in advance through GoFan for faster entry or you can pay at the gate. Cash payment will still be available as well.
Those interested in purchasing Season Passes can now do so through e-Funds www.merps.org/efunds or at the high school office with cash, check or card. Please note that season pass purchases at the gate can only be done with cash or check.
Please take a moment to review the HOW-TO & FAQ on using GoFan to learn about the ticket purchasing process: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4ypu7RUZJ9y1WpPr34g_tYMY6w8GLnr5K62AH63Wys/edit?usp=sharing
GoFan has previously been used at MHSAA District and Regional athletic events hosted by Meridian. #ReachHigher
WELCOME TO MERIDIAN! Welcome to Mr. Dane Dean who will be teaching World History, Civics, and Econ this year! We are so happy to have you on our team! #ReachHigher
WELCOME TO MERIDIAN! Welcome to Ms. Austin Meyer who will be teaching BioLit, Elements of English, and Drama this year! We are so happy to have you on our team! #ReachHigher
Happy Monday Mustangs! Please see the attached informational flyer from our Food Service Department about FREE breakfast and FREE lunch this year for all K-12 students! ***Please note*** we need ALL families to log into the family portal https://meridian.familyportal.cloud and fill our the Education Benefit Form. This is crucial for other programs that rely on this information. Have questions? Contact the Food Service Department at 989-687-3212. Have a great day! #ReachHigher
SENIORS: Senior parking space painting started yesterday and will continue TODAY, Monday, August 21st from 12:00-4:00pm. If you plan to paint, please arrive by 1:00pm with your contract to reserve your spot. For details, refer to the emails and Remind texts about the event that were sent out on August 1st and August 14th.