
In the upcoming weeks, your child will take part in a series of assessments. All learners in grades 9-12th will participate in the College Board series of assessments and grades 9-11th will also take part in the NWEA Growth MAP assessment. Because COVID-19 caused the Spring 2020 testing to be canceled, College Board series of assessments have been moved to both Fall and Spring testing for the 20-21 school year. These assessments can then be used to inform content alignment, deepen instructional practice, and drive academic growth for each learner. 

Please review the calendar below and visit HERE to review more detailed information regarding these assessments. 

It is extremely important that your child attend school on these dates UNLESS they are ILL, in which case PLEASE STAY HOME! We will be able to accommodate additional testing times for sick learners. 

Virtual Students: More information will be coming to your email soon regarding testing options. 

College Board Assessment Calendar

To Get Students to College, New College Board Scholarships Reward Progress Over Scores | America's Promise Alliance

Tuesday, October 13, 2020                    

9th PSAT 98:05AM-10:45AM*; PSAT 9 is 2 hours and 25 minutes with additional time needed for other test related items

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 

10thPSAT 108:05AM-11:15AM*; PSAT 10 is 2 hours and 45 minutes, with additional time needed for other test related items. 
11thPSAT NMSQT8:05AM-11:15AM*; PSAT 10 is 2 hours and 45 minutes, with additional time needed for other test related items.
12th SAT 8:05AM-12:30PM*; SAT is 4 hours, 5 minutes with breaks.
  • Writing and Language: 35-minute section with 44 questions (about 48 seconds per question)

  • Reading: 65-minute section with 52 questions (75 seconds per question

  • Math: No Calculator: 25-minute section with 20 questions (75 seconds per question)

  • Math - Calculator: 55-minute section with 38 questions (about 87 seconds per question)

  • Essay: 50 minutes, one essay 

*Approximate release time depending on testing conditions


ALL learners, grades 10-12th, can leave AFTER the assessment on October 14th, with their own transportation.  

  • If no transportation is available, learners can ride the bus home as scheduled and will remain in school until traditional dismissal at 3:00PM.  

  • Grab and Go lunch will be available AFTER the assessments are complete to take home

  • Per College Board protocols, we are unable to let any students leave the assessment early, even if they are completed with the assessment. 

9th grade will work remotely on Wednesday, October 14th. 

Visit here to learn more about the College Board assessments:

NWEA MAP® Growth™ Assessments 

MAP Growth gives teachers, schools, and learners a clear picture of what they know. This information helps faculty know what students are ready to learn next. Scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals together with students.

MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject and have the same starting performance level. This school year, students in grades 9-11th will take tests in math, reading, and language during their current MECHS class period. The testing windows will be the week of September 28th, January, and April. Following each testing period, your faculty and learners will share information with you to let you know how your child is performing academically and a plan for continued growth.

For more information about MAP Growth, visit

In conjunction with local assessments, these assessments provide information about student performance on Michigan’s instructional standards and academic progress. We are truly excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and achievement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We appreciate your continued partnership as we work together to foster academic growth for each learner. 

Warm Regards,

Tara Mager, MA, LPC, LBSW