Fall 2020 Update

Dear MECHS Families:

This past spring was anything but typical for our school community. COVID-19 forced us to create remote learning plans overnight, deliver instruction in new and unique ways and try to maintain a sense of a school family while being socially distant. Then within minutes our entire community was altered through the flooding disaster, leaving us yet again faced with unprecedented challenges.  On behalf of everyone at Meridian Early College High School, I commend you for coming together during this challenging time. It is clear that when we work together, our students, our staff members and our community thrive.

This summer, Governor Gretchen Whitmer unveiled the MI Safe Start Plan, a guide outlining a phasing structure to support Michiganders as we progress through the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, on June 30, a MI Safe Schools: 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap was provided to guide educators as they develop their own return to school plans based on each of the phases from the MI Safe Start Plan. In partnership with families, students, staff, and guidance from the Midland County Health Department, we are glad to share MECHS Return to Learning FAQ with you to provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding our 20-21 Return to Learning Plan. This is a live, organic document that will need to adapt fluidity as we work together to support a safe return to learning this fall. This FAQ provides additional information on: 

• Learning options (in-person, hybrid, virtual)

• What will happen if remote instruction is required due to illness

• Cleaning protocols

• Health screening

• Transportation expectations

• Information about athletics and extracurricular activities

Return to Learn Plan webinar recording: https://bit.ly/3imsWyZ

MECHS Return to Learning FAQ: tinyurl.com/mechsfallfaq


It is also important to remember that, although we are currently planning to host in-person instruction this fall, there is still the possibility of needing to close a classroom, school building or the district due to an outbreak of illness. The Midland County Health Department will make the decision regarding building or room closure. Additionally, there is the possibility that an increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases may require Governor Whitmer to return our region or the state back to Phase 3 of the MI Safe Start Plan - meaning that school buildings will not be open to students and instruction must occur remotely. During times of temporary closure, instruction will continue by MERPS teachers in a remote format for those who chose the face-to-face option. Using our digital course platform, ECHO, teachers will provide engaging, high-quality lessons, and synchronous learning opportunities. Teachers and the corresponding remote instruction will engage students at a level of rigor different from the “Remote Learning Continuation Plan” provided in the spring. Unlike the spring plan, schedules, deadlines, and grading will continue to align with our traditional face-to-face instruction. 

It is our goal to ensure equitable access to education for all our students while continuing to maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone in our school community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at tara.mager@merps.org

Warm Regards,

Tara Mager, MA, LPC, LBSW 
