REMINDER: School fundraiser pickup is Wednesday, November 13 from 3:30-7pm and Thursday, November 14 from noon to 3pm. Items can be picked up in the cafeteria by an adult. Students are not allowed to take orders home. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Noah Kent
Fundraiser Pickup Flyer
The High School is hosting a someone special night for Elementary School boys and their special lady (mom, aunt, grandma etc.) This event is open to MES boys grade Y5-4th. See attached flyer for more information. Reservation forms are being sent home with students. #ReachHigher
about 5 years ago, Noah Kent
Someone Special Night
PTO Fundraiser Pickup is this week! Check out the flyer for details!
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
PTO Fundraiser Pickup
Meridian PTO 2019 "Holiday Sale". Check out the flyer! Deadline is Friday, November 22nd!
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
PTO Holiday Sale
Parent -Teacher Conferences are Thursday, November 14th from 12:00-3:00 p.m. Please contact your student's teacher to schedule a time.
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Just a reminder: half day on Thursday, November 14th, early dismissal is at 11:25 a.m. Friday, November 15th, NO SCHOOL!
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Dear Meridian Elementary Families, don't miss out - tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day for your child to turn in their fundraiser forms!
about 5 years ago, Noah Kent
Meridian Public Schools is looking for substitutes! We are looking for subs in the food service department, custodial crew, and for paraprofessionals. Interested individuals can apply at Come and join the team! #ReachHigher #ComeAndJoinTheTeam!
about 5 years ago, Noah Kent
Substitutes Needed
3/3 Meridian Elem Families: Thank you for sending your great kids to our school - we're blessed to have them! Have a great weekend!
about 5 years ago, Joshua Hook
2/3 Meridian Elem Families: Just a reminder that our fall fundraiser forms are due Monday, November 4th
about 5 years ago, Joshua Hook
1/3 Meridian Elem Families: Here's a link you can hold onto and use specifically to send positive messages to our staff members, and we'll celebrate what you share internally. Help us celebrate what's good in the world! Paste onto your browser:
about 5 years ago, Joshua Hook
Student Council sucker sale begins Wednesday, October 30th. Suckers are $1 with a limit of 2 suckers per student. They will be sold every Wednesday during your student's lunch time.
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Half Day Reminder: TOMORROW, Friday, October 25, is a half day of school. Meridian Elementary releases at 11:25, Junior High at 11:15, and High School at 11:20. Have a great day!
about 5 years ago, Noah Kent
Square1Art Fundraiser orders are due online at by November 4th. Products are scheduled to be delivered to the school around November 18th and will be sent home with your child. Money raised during this fundraiser will go towards exciting new art supplies for elementary students to use and enjoy. If you have any questions regarding the fundraiser, please contact Miss Brady.
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Truck or Treat
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Truck or Treat
Mark your calendars! Half day of school on Friday, October 25th. Early dismissal is 11:25 a.m.
about 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Half day on Friday, October 25
Meridian Elementary Families: Just a reminder that Picture Re-takes are on Monday, October 14th.
over 5 years ago, Joshua Hook
Donuts with Dads, Thursday, October 17th and Friday, October 18th. See flyer attached!
over 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Donuts with Dads
PLEASE NOTE: Picture Retake Day has been rescheduled from Wednesday, October 9th to MONDAY, OCTOBER 14TH.
over 5 years ago, Sandra Hall
Picture Retake Day - RESCHEDULED
Meridian Elementary Families: Here is a link you can hold onto and use specifically to send positive messages to our staff members, and we'll celebrate what you share internally. Help us celebrate what's good in the world! :)
over 5 years ago, Joshua Hook