Half day of school on Friday, September 25th. Early dismissal is 11:25 a.m.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
The Health Department is still scheduling Hearing and Vision screenings. See flyer for details.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Hearing and Vision Screenings
Meridian Public Schools is excited to announce that per a USDA Ruling, effective immediately ALL students enrolled at Meridian Public Schools will receive FREE Breakfast and FREE Lunch through December 31, 2020 or until USDA funding runs out. Please contact Food Service Director Melissa Gohl at melissa.gohl@merps.org or 989-687-3212 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
Free School Lunch
Picture Day is Thursday, September 10th. In-School learners will have their pictures taken in the morning and our Online Learners will be in the afternoon. Please see attached flyer for details.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Picture Day
Dear Meridian Elementary Families, Here we are, just a few days away from the start of the year! We look forward to having your children start a new school year with us! Below are a few ways you can stay connected to information and updates. First, you can access our website occasionally for new information that is posted. Once logged into our website (www.merps.org) you can locate Meridian Elementary School and view the ‘Live Feed’ and ‘News’ features. You can also check us out on Facebook. If you have yet to view it, we have a Frequently Asked Question document posted on our district web page that you can access here (https://tinyurl.com/y25pe6l7). And lastly, if you have yet to read our updated student handbook, it is extremely important that you do so. Our home-school partnership is more important than ever! You can find the student handbook here (https://tinyurl.com/y6a5r97g). In addition to these resources, below are some additional thoughts on what the start of the year will look like. 1. Families should have received notice of their child’s assigned teacher through the mail already, and with it received an invite to a class Zoom session. For those that can not attend the Zoom session, teachers can share an introductory video with those families. 2. On the first day of school, and across the first week, we will position many staff members throughout the building to welcome students as they get off the bus or get dropped off by parents out front. We will have an alphabetical list of all the students, along with the corresponding teacher name and class number. We followed a similar process last year and it worked out well. 3. Students might not have enough room in their backpack to bring in all of the requested supplies, and we understand that. We suggest dividing up the supplies over the course of the week and bringing in a smaller portion each day. 4. Students will eat lunch in their classrooms, and then go out to recess in their designated zone of the playground. The playground zones will rotate each week. While outside on their zone, they will not be required to wear their masks. Because students will be taking off and putting on their masks at various times across the day, we have purchased a lanyard that they can wear. The lanyard is designed to be a “break-away” material that when tugged on, it detaches. Students will clip their lanyard through their face mask so that the masks stay with them all day. 5. For parent drop-offs in the morning, please remember that we have a new drop-off time this year. The earliest students can enter is 7:40 a.m., and they will go right to their class. This will help us avoid crowding students together for a prolonged period of time. 6. If a child has forgotten something like their lunch or their gym shoes, we will have a system for dropping it off on a table located just prior to the office. There will be no need to enter the office for this. To accommodate, we will provide paper and a marker so that families can appropriately label it with their child’s name and their teacher’s name. We will check the table and deliver the items. 7. If a child has an appointment or a family needs to pick up their child from school early, please call the office in advance and we will try to have your child ready to go. We hope this update assists your family with planning. See you soon!
over 4 years ago, Joshua Hook
MERIDIAN ELEMENTARY VIRTUAL STUDENTS/FAMILIES ONLY! You are invited to a Zoom webinar: When: Aug 27, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: K-4 MERPS Virtual Online Academy Informational Meeting Please register in advance for this webinar at the following link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aXkxSG9ySleRO3FreQX9Qw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you cannot attend this webinar, it will be posted on our Meridian Virtual Academy page the following week.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Dear Meridian Elementary Families, you'll notice in a previous communication I provided a link to view a Frequently Asked Questions document that answers many questions about the school year (https://tinyurl.com/Meridian-Ele-Info). I also encourage families to view the newly approved Student-Parent Handbook which can also be copied and pasted to a new window (https://tinyurl.com/y4bvguso). There is an appendix in the handbook that contains specific language related to COVID and related expectations or procedures. Please familiarize yourself with it, as there are many new expectations. We are regularly receiving questions regarding the fall, and most can be answered through these two documents. Some questions are quite specific, so we'll be collecting questions and compiling answers in a follow-up document that we'll post. For starters, here are a few items: since we can't do our usual back-to-school picnic, our staff will be considering new ways to connect with families and to welcome students to a new year. Parents should receive a letter early in the week of August 24th that indicates their child's teacher for the fall. Any student supplies will need to be sent to school with your child, and if needed, can be sent in across the first week or so. And lastly, for now, the new parent drop-off time in the mornings is 7:40 a.m. Thank you, and stay tuned! Josh Hook
over 4 years ago, Joshua Hook
Good morning Meridian Elementary families, if you have questions about returning to school this fall or enrolling in our Meridian Virtual Learning Academy, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions document below. It contains information regarding teacher assignments, back-to-school picnic, and much, much more. https://tinyurl.com/Meridian-Ele-Info
over 4 years ago, Joshua Hook
Good Morning, We are asking families to please fill out the form attached, so that we can have accurate information out to everyone regarding bus stop times. Please make sure to fill out the form before Sunday, August 16th. Thank you Transportation Information Update: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei5LNlS1qlVw-TvIZPwzGuCEgNE8fCJEcU42zfH3fcD_nsLQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
Good Evening Mustangs, Thank you to those who attended our Virtual Academy Webinar yesterday. To find all of the information discussed, the presentation, information on how to sign up, and a recording of the webinar, please go to www.merps.org and click on MENU and Meridian Virtual Academy. Thank you Meridian Public Schools Staff
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
MERPS VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY Learn as you like! Meridian Public Schools is committed to providing learning options for the fall that fit your family needs! The Meridian Public Schools Virtual Learning Academy affords your student the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere through the use of online courses supported by highly-qualified, Michigan-certified teachers. Complete your schooling at home tuition-free, while maintaining the benefits of enrollment as a Meridian Public Schools student. Partnering with Meridian Public Schools Virtual Academy will ensure that your child receives the benefits of a Meridian education, support, and technology, with the flexibility of learning from the comfort and safety of your home. What to learn more? Attend our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, August 4, 6PM via Zoom. Register for this event here: tinyurl.com/merpsvirtual or connect with our Virtual Academy Coordinators: K-6th grade: Jared Goff, jared.goff@merps.org or 989.488.4662 7th-12th grade: Tara Mager, tara.mager@merps.org or 989.488.4662
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
The Midland County Health Department is scheduling Hearing and Vision screenings for children entering Kindergarten that have not yet been screened. The parent/caregiver can call the Health Department to schedule an appointment. If the child has been screened for hearing and vision at their preschool, or at the Health Department between the age of 3 and Kindergarten entry, the parent/caregiver can call them and they will fax a copy of the child's record to the school. To schedule an appointment, call Christy at 989.832.6673. If you need to schedule an appointment for immunizations, call 989.832.6665. Please see attached flyer for Hearing & Vision screening dates.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Hearing and Vision Clinic Dates
Good Morning, ​ The Sanford-Meridian Flood Relief Fund was designed to assist our students and their families affected by the recent flood. The Sanford-Meridian Disaster Relief Committee consists of several community members and agency representatives. Together the committee is working to distribute resources to residents in the Sanford-Meridian community whose livelihood and primary homes have been impacted by the 2020 flood and dam breach. The information you provide will be reviewed and used by the committee to help distribute financial support by means of a $500 in-store voucher for eligible primary households in the Sanford-Meridian community. Applications are due by Wednesday, August 5th at 3 PM. PLEASE NOTE: SUBMIT ONLY ONE APPLICATION PER HOUSEHOLD. Apply here: https://bit.ly/merpsrelief2​ Thank you
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
If you are looking to enroll your student at Meridian Elementary, go to our online registration link www.bit.ly/merpsenroll or stop in at the Administration office to pick up an enrollment packet. The Admin office is open Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 - 4:30pm.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
July 15, 2020 Dear Meridian Mustang Families: The last few months have been very difficult for our community as we have faced the challenges of both COVID-19 and dam failure. No one could have predicted either of these events or provided guidance on how schools, families, and communities should respond. We are now asked to tackle the task of rebuilding our community and coming up with plans to return to learning this fall. There is still a tremendous amount of uncertainty as we head into the 2020-2021 school year. We face additional uncertainty due to the potential loss of students as a result of the flood and the certain loss of state funding due to COVID-19 that may result in historically large cuts in school funding. Fortunately, we are well-positioned to overcome these challenges. We will continue to support our students with one-to-one technology, provide free internet services, and be a statewide leader in education. On June 30th, the Return to School Advisory Council issued the 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap. The Roadmap provides schools with requirements and recommendations for returning to school depending on which MI Safe Start Phase the region is in (currently Phase 4). · Phases 1-3-Schools are closed for in-person instruction · Phase 4-In-person instruction is permitted with required safety protocols · Phase 5-In-person instruction with minimal safety protocols Schools are required to develop plans for each of these three phases which must be approved by the Board of Education by August 17, 2020. Superintendents have agreed to work cooperatively, and in consultation with county health department officials, to develop common plans. Those plans will include in-person instruction, a hybrid model, and virtual learning options. Meridian Public Schools will do everything in our power to return to in-person instruction in the fall with appropriate safety protocols. We know that this is the best option for learning. After what this community has endured, we know that our students need to return to school and have a sense of normalcy. They need to be surrounded by the familiar faces of their classmates and teachers. We know that many of our children are still suffering from trauma as a result of our community tragedy. School and normalcy is more important than ever for these children. We will also be offering a hybrid model in the event that we move between phases or are required to close due to illness or other issues that are outside of our control. The hybrid model will be similar to what occurred this spring. This will allow us the best return to in-person instruction with the least amount of interruption. The last option that we will be offering is a virtual learning option. This will be a K-12 available to all children. We will be hosting a virtual webinar on August 4, 2020, for those who are interested in learning more about this option. The registration link is: https://tinyurl.com/merpsvirtual There is still a lot of work and planning that will occur over the next few weeks, so more detailed information will be coming. Please know that many of the choices will not be within the control of local schools and both public and private schools within each region will be required to follow the Return to School Roadmap. Educating our children will bring us new challenges in the upcoming months, but the Meridian staff will ensure that learning and safety are always the priorities. Sincerely, Craig D. Carmoney
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
Grade level classroom supply lists are now posted on the website. Go to www.merps.org, Elementary page, click on MENU, DOCUMENTS, CLASSROOM SUPPLY LISTS. Happy shopping!
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Dear Mustang Families, at this time of year we are usually sending home a note to families that provide an opportunity to request a specific teacher for the upcoming year. Due to these unprecedented times in education, we will not be offering teacher requests this year. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you for your support as we navigate these times together. Sincerely, Joshua Hook
over 4 years ago, Joshua Hook
Locker items (including desk items), report card pick up and Chromebook/iPad drop off to occur at the same time on Wednesday, June 10th, 10am-12pm AND Thursday, June 11th, 3-6pm, at Meridian Elementary's bus loop, south end of the building. Parent/guardian pick up only! Please have proof of identification ready and remain in your vehicles. Items will be delivered curbside for your convenience and safety.
over 4 years ago, Sandra Hall
Student Possession Pick Up
Impacted or helping with flood relief efforts? @DwynesDreamTeam is offering a drive-through gumbo lunch TODAY at 12pm at @ The Red Oak in Sanford! (Please note location change) Thanks to @UnitedWayofMidlandCounty for connecting us with them. #LiveUnited #SanfordStrong
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent
We are going to be restarting our food program effective Thursday May 28th. We will no longer be offering delivery due to the current road conditions, we apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. Please complete this new form even if you have signed up in the past. Summer Meal Program Sign Up bit.ly/summermeals1 We have new times and locations to choose from; this form must be completed by Wednesday noon to be eligible to pick up 7 days worth of meals on Thursday, the 28th. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we get started up again.
over 4 years ago, Noah Kent