Did you know that you can pay for items online? Check out E-Funds! You can pay via checking account or debit card. There is no fee is you pay with a checking account. You can pay for items like: Food Service, Daycare, Pay-to-play, Sports passes and more! http://bit.ly/mpsefunds
Do you know someone looking for a job? We are hiring! Check out the open positions that we have on our website! We are looking for paraprofessionals, teachers, cooks, and a receptionist! http://meridianpsmi.apptegy.us/o/meridian-public-schools/browse/23936
Today's Cross Country meet has been rescheduled for tomorrow, 9/6.
The school year is fast approaching! We can't wait to have students and staff back in the classroom for a GREAT year of learning!
And don't forget to check out our new Android and iOS apps!
Welcome to our new website!
Hello everyone!