You can reach the Director of Operations, Asa Ballien, at (989) 687-3250.

To submit a work request please log into our help desk system.

Building Use Form

To reserve/rent a room within Meridian Public Schools, please use this link: Once here, you can either sign in (returning users) or create an account for yourself.*

*Meridian Public Schools Staff - please choose staff sign in, and use your Meridian account.

A valid phone number and email address are required when making an account.



We are proud to offer a trailer and van to our student athletic and academic organizations. Please make a reservation using the form below. Once your form has been submitted you will be contacted confirming your reservation - at that time you will need to fill out paperwork at the Administration building.

The trailer and van may only be reserved by a Meridian Public Schools employee advisor or mentor, but the trailer and van may be driven by any adult volunteer that passes our background check. The intended driver must be the one to fill out the paperwork at our Administration building. Please note that the district van is not available for use during normal operating hours.

Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

If only the trailer is reserved you are responsible for attaching it to your vehicle. The trailer will include the correct hitch, 4 tie-down straps, and 1 spare tire. An inventory will be taken before you depart and after you arrive.

A confirmation will be sent automatically once your reservation is confirmed. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Facilities and Operations.

Reservation Form (Use the Facilities Department location to reserve the trailer).


As a part of the Meridian Public School District’s pest management program, pesticides are occasionally applied. You have the right to be informed prior to any pesticide application made to the school grounds and buildings. The first method will be by posting at the main entrance to the school / day-care center, or second method by posting information on the school web site. In certain emergencies, pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but you will be provided notice following any such application.

Please print and fill out the paper form found below, or fill out the electronic form, or you may obtain a paper copy from the administration office.

Printable Paper Form


Please find Meridian Public School District's Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) below. For more information on what this plan is please follow this link to the State of Michigan's website on the topic.

To request notification when pesticides are used on Meridian Public School District's grounds please fill out the form found here.

Integrated Pest Management Program PDF